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Hello! I'm Cyn, I'm addicted, addicted to travel. the truth thatafter for many years I have to be honest, I can't find a cure for thisaddiction and I don't want to find the truth anymore. I love what I do! I enjoy sharing with each passenger or traveler my experiences, planning and doingunique his trips. 

Nothing gives me more adrenaline than getting on theairplane and arriving in a new city, walking through it all, enjoying itsgastronomy typical and talk to his people. 


I tell you howstarted all myinterest por el Turismo arises, in my adolescence. My dad decided to organize trips, driven by the  need, due to thesituation economy of our country.  That's when I learned what it means to plan, make calculations, make accommodation reservations,  transport rental, knowing the destinations, being a guide _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_y know how to handle groups. It was a very nice time, that as a family we dedicated ourselves to this, to travel with friends, in our country and even in Uruguay.

And over the years, I decided to study and become a career professional. Study the Bachelor of Tourism with thespecialization enManagement Hotelera.

Until now I have always worked as a travel agent in different travel agencies recognized in the industry, in wholesale operators and hostel and hotel chains.Also I plan the trips of many of those who read me now, I makeguides from the city of Buenos Aires, among other things. 

I had the opportunity to do internships, workshops, training, knowledge trips to destinations, etc. And I am continually training and learning about new destinations. 

Thanks for reaching outhere, for reading me, for spending a few minutes wanting to knowplus. And above all, thanks for traveling, I assure you that you will not regret it! 

Cerro Tronador
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