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  • Writer's pictureAdicta a Viajar by Cyn

My Clumby Arrival in Malasia

The First Thought, the Angel & the Terminator Meme

"Why didn't I rest in Qatar for a couple of days instead if flying for 37 hours from Argentina to Malaysia? Well...maybe next time".

So begins the story of Erika, a great friend who a year ago decided to embark on a new adventure by moving to Southeast Asia from Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is a leap into a completely different world. Starting today, I will share with her what her life there has been like: the challenges, the cuisine, the languages and the very essence of life there. I don't want you to miss a single detail of these stories.

Also, the question "How will I text my driver without a SIM Card?" lurked in my mind and took me in a 50-minute quest around Kuala Lumpur Airport, which is unimaginably huge compared to the ones I've been in LatinAmerica.

After walking aimlessly for 10 minutes, I saw a female airport officer taking a passenger in a wheel chair somewhere...I had no idea where but I felt drawn to ask her for help and, it proved to be the best hunch ever!

This angel, whom I shall call Jessica, entrusted that passenger to other 2 officers and asked me to follow her. We walked for the next 25 minutes (a seemingly never- ending walk) to the airport shuttle bus stop because the train that travels inside the

airport wasn't working that day.

What a welcome!

I thought I would instantly past - out when the doors opened and we stepped out to take the shuttle bus. Please DO NOT wear an ankle-length dark dress

on top of a long-sleeve shirt for flying anywhere in the Southeast of Asia, even if it is winter in your country.

I kid you not when I say I felt like the Sarah Connor-meme from the famous burning scene in Terminator. Do enjoy it here!

The VIP, The Unadventurous Officer & the Stamp

While sweating my life away, Jessica and I arrived to the SIM card booth (she was

fresh as a cucumber, though). The attendants asked her in Malay if I was a

VIP; I guess they were as surprised as I was of her escorting me everywhere.

Despite only understanding the word VIP, I decided to join the conversation

anyway and cheekily said:

"I'm not a VIP,

just a very lost person". They laughed

sheepishly thinking I understood Malay.

Now that I was able to text my driver, I

thought the rest would be a piece of

cake. Silly me!

Jessica escorted me to the Immigration queue and waited by my side even though I insisted I didn't want to bother her anymore. She replied that she didn't mind. And, thank God she didn't! After growing 2 years older in the queue, the immigration officer sent me to find some sort of Health Office because we, Argentineans, need to show our Yellow- fever vaccine card and get a piece of

paper from said office. No one knew where the office was but we managed to find it.

Now back with the same officer, I showed my passport, hotel reservation, COVID vaccine, Yellow-fever vaccine along with my whole soul. He asked me for proof that I would leave Malaysia, as

if my dripping sweat wasn't proof enough! I did have my Thailand Pass but not a ticket to Thailand. Now...before you blame me, let's face it! Backpackers do not have every ticket bought because we

are open to adventures.

Well...that immigration officer was not a fan of adventures, I can assure you!

Then Jessica, the angel started talking to him; dunno what she said but he stamped my passport. If I had slept properly and my body hadn't accrued 37 flight hours, I would've jumped up and down.

Next step: luggage pick up and the meeting my driver, who had been waiting forever.

Before I said my goodbyes to Jessica, I gave her the Brazilian candy and chocolates I had brought along. That was the least I could do for her. (Also, I couldn't find my wallet. Even though a tip is not customary is some Asian countries, I still wanted to show my appreciation in some way).

Please expect the next chapter of my trip! I do hope you find yourselves a Jessica to pave the way

and convince immigration you are just a harmless yet clueless, first- time in Asia tourist.

I don't know about you, but I love the beginning of this story, want to know more, come back next week, we will continue touring Asia hand in hand with Eri. Don't forget, never stop dreaming and traveling !

You can follow us on social media @adictaaviajar and on Eri's IG @eri_en_asia.

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